How Can We Help?

Personal Information

Your TRASTRA account contains your registered personal and contact information, including your full name, date of birth details, registered phone numbers, email addresses, and street addresses.

TRASTRA stores and processes your personal information using third-party servers located in secure data centers, that are protected by firewalls and have restricted access in compliance with applicable regulations.

We recommend that you fill in your profile personal information during account registration. After that, you can proceed with account verification and receive your personal Payment Account with IBAN.

Here are some useful tips:

  • Name. Please provide your real first and last name. Using a fake name or nickname is strictly forbidden.
  • Date of birth. Enter your real date of birth. The service is not provided for underage users (under 18 years old).
  • Billing address. It should be a physical address. Be aware that during the verification process we’ll ask you to provide us with proof of address to make sure that all data is correct.

You can also view your account personal and contact information on the TRASTRA applications for iOS and Android.

Important: When your account is verified, you cannot make any changes to your profile. Please contact our Support Team directly if you require to update your information. Be ready to provide supporting documents such as a copy of your passport or other similar documents. Let us also know if your personal details have changed (such as you’ve changed your name or moved to another address).

If your TRASTRA account is not verified yet and you wish to edit any personal details, go to the account and click on your name in the upper-right corner of the web page, choose the Profile option and make necessary updates.