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How to use a Bitcoin wallet?

A blockchain Bitcoin wallet is basically the equivalent of a bank account. It allows you to receive bitcoins, store them, and then send them to others. When you sign up with TRASTRA, you receive a Bitcoin wallet automatically.

How to use a blockchain Bitcoin wallet:

  1. Please create an account and choose a strong password. In case you lose it, there is a “restore password” option.
  2. As soon as your account is activated, you will have a Bitcoin Address, which you can use to receive payments – just email your address to another person, and they can send money directly to this address.

Important: Anyone who knows your address might be able to view your transactions and how many Bitcoins you own.

If you transfer cryptocurrency from the TRASTRA wallet, there will be a notification to your registered email with the request to confirm a Bitcoin transfer. You need to select the link for confirmation. Otherwise, it will expire after 1 hour (Figure 1-1):

Figure 1-1: TRASTRA Wallets

There is also an option to select wallets for display if you have several crypto wallets (Figure 1-2):

Figure 1-2: TRASTRA Wallets for display