top 10 bitcoin books 2020

Top 10 Bitcoin books you should read in 2020


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So let’s start! 

Bitcoin Whales. Guys Who Fooled The World

(Alan T. Norman) 

If you want to plunge into the real, practical wild animal world, all you need to do is to invest a part of your capital in the cryptocurrency market. Here you will find lots of wildlife: whales, sharks, and even hamsters. Your role in this fabulous zoo depends on many factors. You are not likely to cope with just one of the main roles – the role of a whale.

Bitcoin Whales, Guys Who Fooled The World, Alan T. Norman, book, crypto, bitcoin, blockchain

Bitcoin Billionaires

(Ben Mezrich)

If you have seen The Social Network, you will remember the Winklevoss twins: tall, preppy Harvard students (both played by Armie Hammer) who also happened to be Olympic oarsmen and who ended up suing Mark Zuckerberg for allegedly stealing their idea to make Facebook.

On November 26, 2017, the Winklevoss brothers became the first bitcoin billionaires. Here’s the story of how they got there — as only Ben Mezrich could tell it.

 Bitcoin Billionaires, Ben Mezrich, book, crypto, bitcoin, blockchain


(Gary Miliefsky)

Learn the real story about the rapidly growing cryptocurrency market, the innovative Blockchain technology that powers it, while learning how to avoid the scammers and cybercriminals.

Cryptoconomy, Gary Miliefsky, book, crypto, bitcoin, blockchain

The Bitcoin Standard. The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking 

(Saifedean Ammous) 

Economist Saifedean Ammous traces the history of the technologies of money to seashells, limestones, cattle, salt, beads, metals, and government debt, explaining what gave these technologies their monetary role, what makes for sound money, and the benefits of a sound monetary regime to economic growth, innovation, culture, trade, individual freedom, and international peace.

The Bitcoin Standard, The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, Saifedean Ammous, book, bitcoin, crypto, blockchain

Bitcoin: The Future of Money?

(Dominic Frisby) 

In this book Frisby tells the story of how Bitcoin was created. He explains cryptocurrency in an easy-to-understand way, and discusses the possibilities of Bitcoin in the future.

Bitcoin: The Future of Money, Dominic Frisby, book, crypto, bitcoin, blockchain

Mastering Bitcoin

(Andreas M. Antonopoulos)

The first edition of Mastering Bitcoin was released in 2016. Written by Andreas Antonopoulos, a Bitcoin advocate and researcher of computer security, the book gives you good technical details about the Bitcoin protocol.

Due to the high level of technical detail, the book may not be good for everyone but it is a major tool for anyone working on Bitcoin or cryptocurrency applications.

Mastering Bitcoin, Andreas M. Antonopoulos, book, bitcoin, crypto, blockchain

Blockchain Revolution

(Don and Alex Tapscott)

Co-authored by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, real-life father and son, this book highlights the reasons why blockchain technology has the potential to change business, money, and the world. It explores the various uses of technology in different industries. Some may even regard it as a fantasy genre but it is actually a very good book for newbies and non-tech people who want to get their wet feet on this new wave of technology.

Blockchain Revolution, Don and Alex Tapscott, book, crypto, bitcoin, blockchain

The Dark Net

(by Jamie Bartlett)

The dark net is an underworld that stretches from popular social media sites to the most secretive corners of the encrypted web. It is a world that frequently appears in newspaper headlines, but one that is little understood, and rarely explored. The Dark Net is a revelatory examination of the internet today, and of its most innovative and dangerous subcultures: trolls and pornographers, drug dealers and hackers, political extremists and computer scientists, Bitcoin programmers and self-harmers, libertarians and vigilantes.

Based on extensive first-hand experience, exclusive interviews and shocking documentary evidence, The Dark Net offers a startling glimpse of human nature under the conditions of freedom and anonymity, and shines a light on an enigmatic and ever-changing world.

The Dark Net, Jamie Bartlett, book, crypto, blockchain, bitcoin

The Book of Satoshi

(by Phil Champagne)

Champagne put together a collection of Satoshi Nakamoto’s writings in an attempt to get the reader to have a feel of the birth and the rise of the digital currency known as Bitcoin. 

The book digs deeper into the communication channels used by Satoshi during the early days of Bitcoin and how he communicated with a handful of people.

The book rewinds time and takes you to a moment in time when Satoshi was still selling his vision to the world and allows you to feel as if you were there at the beginning too. While it does not reveal his personal identity, it gives a clue, based on facts, of who Satoshi was then.

The Book of Satoshi, Phil Champagne, book, crypto, bitcoin, blockchain, satoshi

The Bitcoin Bible

(Benjamin Guttmann)

The Bitcoin Bible “Gold Edition” is the next level of the “Bitcoin Bible”, the most comprehensive book on Bitcoins on the market. In over 400 pages the book easily describes all the wide-ranging aspects of Bitcoins.

The Bitcoin Bible, Benjamin Guttmann, book. crypto, bitcoin, blockchain

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