
Trastra Ltd is a company duly incorporated in England and Wales under company number: 10966907, with a Registered Office address at: The Long Lodge, 265-269, Kingston Road, Wimbledon, London, England, SW19 3NW. The Firm is registered with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority under its Temporary Permissions Regime for the Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive purposes.

The Trastra Account and Visa Card is issued by UAB “Finansinės paslaugos „Contis“ who holds the electronic money institution license No. 53, dated 23-07-2019, issued by the Bank of Lithuania. The Visa Debit Card is an electronic money product and although we are supervised by the Bank of Lithuania, it is not covered by the Deposit Insurance System of the Republic of Lithuania. We ensure that any funds received by you are held in a segregated account so that in the unlikely event that UAB “Finansinės paslaugos „Contis“ becomes insolvent your funds will be protected against claims made by creditors.

Trastra Ltd is a company duly incorporated in England and Wales under company number: 10966907, with a Registered Office address at: The Long Lodge, 265-269, Kingston Road, Wimbledon, London, England, SW19 3NW. The Firm is registered with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority under its Temporary Permissions Regime for the Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive purposes.

The Trastra Account and Visa Card is issued by UAB “Finansinės paslaugos „Contis“ who holds the electronic money institution license No. 53, dated 23-07-2019, issued by the Bank of Lithuania. The Visa Debit Card is an electronic money product and although we are supervised by the Bank of Lithuania, it is not covered by the Deposit Insurance System of the Republic of Lithuania. We ensure that any funds received by you are held in a segregated account so that in the unlikely event that UAB “Finansinės paslaugos „Contis“ becomes insolvent your funds will be protected against claims made by creditors.