Convert stablecoins USDT and USDC to euros instantly with TRASTRA

Buy, sell, and exchange Bitcoin & Ethereum for euros with
TRASTRA crypto card.

How It Works


Visit, register and verify an account

TRASTRA offers a free cryptocurrency wallet for seven major assets (BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, XRP, USDC, and USDT (ERC20/TRC20).


Exchange your crypto at the best possible rates

Exchange crypto for euros directly in your web browser or use the best-in-class TRASTRA mobile app. Use TRASTRA for storing your crypto or euros.


Spend your funds anywhere

Add your TRASTRA card to Apple Pay or Google Pay and use anywhere without limits.


TRASTRA crypto card comes with Apple Pay and Google Pay!

Free Crypto Wallets​

store, send, and receive BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, BCH, USDC, and USDT (ERC-20/TRC-20) with ease​

Apple Pay Google Pay​

enjoy easy and quick contactless payments wherever you go, with full safety and convenience​

Stable Salary Options​

get your salary in USDT (both ERC-20 and TRC-20 supported) or USDC to avoid crypto volatility​

No Hidden Fees​

buy Crypto with your IBAN at market rates, instantly exchange Crypto to EUR, and vice versa, without any additional fees​

TRON-based USDT Support​

enjoy the benefits of TRC-20's speed and low transaction costs

Secure ATM Withdrawals​

withdraw cash safely from ATMs with secure, reliable, and easy access wherever you are


Convert or cash out crypto to cash! Exchange crypto for EUR and spend anywhere.

Secure at its core. The utmost security for your digital assets.

Our dedicated team ensures timely and individual responses to all queries. Only real people, no bots involved.

We promise clear fees, full transparency, and a user experience backed by over ten years of expertise in digital banking solutions.


Receiving salary in crypto?

TRASTRA supports seven major cryptocurrencies and the TRC-20 token format; Exchange your BTC, BCH, ETH, XRP, LTC, USDC or USDT (ERC-20/TRC-20) for euros and use TRASTRA card to pay anywhere​

Crypto card

is the easiest, cheapest, and most reliable way to cash out DeFi tokens and have the resulting euros in your pocket

Is your bank unable to identify the source of funds deposited into your account?​

Using TRASTRA card, you can buy or sell crypto without problems with your local bank or transfer funds from any current account in the EU.​

Start your journey with TRASTRA

Experience the ease of managing your crypto and euros with TRASTRA